More skilled jobs, some would say.
What it did do, was to introduce machinery. Which greatly increased the rate of production. Was this a good move? Almost everybody would answer 'Yes', but that are a few who wonder...
Smoke inhalation causes Carsinomas - who wants them? Operating machinery for mass production is seldom a skilled job. More often it is just the opposite - mind-numbingly boring. Take, for example, the making, in vast quantities, of the various intricate components that make up a water meter.
The machines are large, hot and unhealthy. The operator of each is small, bored and only human. His, or her job is to place one insert, or maybe more, accurately, just so, into the proper spot in the bowels of the machine. Then, up goes a hand, push goes the button, and the moving section of the machine clanks shut.
Two minutes later, the moving section clanks open, the operator takes out the finished component, puts in the inserts for the next one, up goes the hand, the machine clanks shut..... This goes on for twelve hours, interrupted only for two ten-minute tea-breaks and half an hour for lunch.
Day after day. A tribute, then, is due to those who do it, for persisting.
Why do they persist? Because mouths must be fed, bills need to be paid... And so it goes on...
The bright spot is the camaradarie and friendships which build up on the 'shop floor'. This is what being human is - finding something good about life and connecting with other people.Drawings of L.S. Lowry
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