Mine does. Mainly at the sin I am aware of in my own life.
People blame God when things go wrong. One can only blame God if one is righteous. More righteous than He. And that is simply not possible.
How many parents take the time to teach their children not to get involved with fortune tellers and their wares? Look at Yahoo as an example. It makes money and keeps its customers by allowing them the Horoscope facility. Where is the 'caring' for the soul of society, in that? Does it surprise you that God hates them (fortune tellers)? Why - because they destroy humanity.
We hear all about 'loving your neighbour', but if you conceal truth from him/her, you don't love them. It's Jesus who is God's righteousness. Even the fortune teller can be saved by the grace of God. But if they don't know their error, how can they turn away from it?
At least Google - even with it's 'and more' choices, does not go down that route. Could it be a reason why Google prospers?
But back to humanity. Take care of your children's future. Give them the opportunity of standing in God's sight as people through whom His will can be done on earth. There is that hymn that is sung ..'Build Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land'..
Is it likely that that is what they 'saw'? They heard the Word of God and wanted England to be built on it's principals? It was a great nation.
The book on display has very positive reveiws.